Scripture Verse

My days are like an evening shadow. Psalm 102:11


Benjamin C. Unseld (1843–1923)

Words: Al­dine S. Kieff­er, in The Song Vic­tor, ed­it­ed by R. A. Glenn (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: 1878), num­ber 47. This song book cred­its Tem­ple Star as its source.

Music: Con­ta­gem Ben­ja­min C. Un­seld (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Aldine S. Kieffer (1840–1904)


Twilight is steal­ing ov­er the sea,
Shadows are fall­ing dark on the lea;
Borne on the night winds, voic­es of yore
Come from the far off shore.


Far away beyond the star­lit skies,
Where the love-light ne­ver, ne­ver dies,
Gleameth a man­sion, filled with de­light,
Sweet hap­py home so bright!

Voices of loved ones, songs of the past,
Still lin­ger round me while life shall last;
Lonely I wan­der, sad­ly I roam,
Seeking that far off home.


Come in the twi­light, come, come to me!
Bringing some mes­sage over the sea,
Cheering my path­way while here I roam,
Seeking that far off home.
