I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength.
Psalm 18:1
Words: Johann Scheffler, Heilige Seelenlust 1657 (Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke). Translated from German to English by Catherine Winkworth, 1863, alt.
Music: Ich will dich lieben Harmonischer Liederschaft (Frankfurt, Germany: 1738) (🔊
Thee will I love, my strength, my tower;
Thee will I love, my hope, my joy;
Thee will I love with all my power,
With ardor time will ne’er destroy.
Thee will I love, O light divine,
So long as life is mine.
Thee will I love, my life, my Savior,
Who art my best and truest friend;
Thee will I love and praise forever,
For never shall Thy kindness end;
Thee will I love with all my heart,
Thou my Redeemer art.
I thank Thee, Jesus, sun from Heaven,
Whose radiance hath brought light to me;
I thank Thee, who hast richly given
All that could make me glad and free;
I thank Thee that my soul is healed
By what Thy lips revealed.
Oh, keep me watchful, then, and humble
And suffer me no more to stray;
Uphold me when my feet would stumble,
Nor let me loiter by the way.
Fill all my nature with Thy light,
O Radiance strong and bright!
Oh, teach me, Lord, to love Thee truly
With soul and body, head and heart,
And grant me grace that I may duly
Practice fore’er love’s sacred art.
Grant that my every thought may be
Directed e’er to Thee.
Thee will I love, my crown of gladness;
Thee will I love, my God and Lord,
Amid the darkest depths of sadness,
Nor for the hope of high reward—
For Thine own sake, O light divine,
So long as life is mine.