Scripture Verse

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105


Albert Midlane (1825–1909)

Words: Al­bert Mid­lane, 1884. Pub­lished in the Friend­ly Vi­sit­or, July 1885.

Music: Lux Be­ata Al­bert L. Peace, 1885 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert L. Peace (1844–1912)


Thy Word, O Lord, Thy pre­cious Word alone,
Can lead me on;
By this, until the dark­some night be gone,
Lead Thou me on!
Thy Word is light, Thy Word is life and pow­er;
By it, oh, guide me in each try­ing hour.

Whate’er my path, led by the Word, ’tis good,
Oh, lead me on!
Be my poor heart Thy bless­èd Word’s abode,
Lead Thou me on!
Thy Ho­ly Spir­it gives the light to see,
And leads me to Thy Word, close fol­low­ing Thee.

Led by aught else, I tread a de­vi­ous way,
Oh, lead me on!
Speak, Lord, and help me ev­er to ob­ey,
Lead Thou me on!
My ev­ery step shall then be well de­fined,
And all I do ac­cord­ing to Thy mind.