Scripture Verse

Let us…come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16


Emma L. Ashford (1850–1930)

Words: Ol­iv­er Hol­den, in Pea­bo­dy’s Spring­field Col­lect­ion, 1835 (orig­in­al­ly, All Those Who Seek a Throne of Grace).

Music: Ev­elyn (Ash­ford) Em­ma L. Ash­ford, in The Me­tho­dist Hym­nal (New York: Me­tho­dist Book Con­cern, 1905), num­ber 515 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Oliver Holden (1765–1844)


They who seek the throne of grace,
Find that throne in ev­ery place;
If we live a life of pray­er,
God is pre­sent ev­ery­where.

In our sick­ness or our health,
In our want or in our wealth,
If we look to God in pray­er,
God is pre­sent ev­ery­where.

When our earth­ly com­forts fail,
When the foes of life pre­vail,
’Tis the time for ear­nest pray­er;
God is pre­sent ev­ery­where.

Then, my soul, in ev­ery strait
To thy Fa­ther come and wait;
He will an­swer ev­ery pray­er;
God is pre­sent ev­ery­where.