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Scripture Verse

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, Thou knewest my path. In the way where I walk have they hidden a snare for me. Psalm 142:3


John Newton (1725–1807)

Words: John New­ton, Ol­ney Hymns (Lon­don: W. Ol­iv­er, 1779), Book 3, num­ber 35. Per­plex­ity re­lieved.

Music: I Bring My All to Thee, se­cu­lar tune (🔊 ).


Uncertain how the way to find
Which to sal­va­tion led;
I list­ened long, with anx­ious mind,
To hear what oth­ers said.

When some of joys and com­forts told
I feared that I was wrong;
For I was stu­pid, dead, and cold,
Had nei­ther joy nor song.

The Lord my la­bor­ing heart re­lieved,
And made my bur­den light;
Then for a mo­ment I be­lieved,
Supposing all was right.

Of fierce temp­ta­tions oth­ers talked,
Of ang­uish and dis­may;
Thro’ what dis­tress­es they had walked,
Before they found the way.

Ah! then I thought my hopes were vain,
For I had lived at ease;
I wished for all my fears again,
To make me more like these.

I had my wish, the Lord dis­closed
The ev­ils of my heart;
And left my nak­ed soul ex­posed
To Sa­tan’s fie­ry dart.

Alas! I now must give it up,
I cried in deep des­pair;
How could I dream of draw­ing hope,
From what I can­not bear!

Again my Sav­ior brought me aid,
And when He set me free,
Trust simp­ly on My word, He said,
And leave the rest to Me.