Scripture Verse

He faileth not. Zephaniah 3:5


Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, Loy­al Re­spons­es; or, Dai­ly Me­lo­dies for the King’s Min­strels (Lon­don: James Nis­bet, 1878), pag­es 18–20, alt.

Music: Ay­dın, ano­ny­mous (🔊 pdf nwc).

Frances R. Havergal


He who hath led, will lead
All through the wil­der­ness;
He who hath fed, will sure­ly feed;
He who hath blessed, will bless;
He who hath heard thy cry
Will ne­ver close His ear;
He who hath marked thy faint­est sigh
Will not for­get thy tear.

He who hath made thee whole
Will heal thee day by day;
He who hath spok­en to thy soul
Hath ma­ny things to say;
He who hath great­ly taught
Yet more will make thee know;
He who so won­drous­ly hath wrought
Yet great­er things will show.

He who hath made thee nigh
Will draw thee near­er still;
He who hath giv’n the first sup­ply
Will sa­tis­fy and fill;
He who hath giv’n thee grace
Yet more and more will send;
He who hath set thee in the race
Will speed thee to the end.

He who hath won thy heart
Will keep it true and free;
He who hath shown thee what thou art
Will show Himself to thee;
He who hath bid thee live,
And made thy life His own,
Life more abun­dant­ly will give,
And keep it His alone.

Then trust Him for to­day,
As thine un­fail­ing friend,
And let Him lead thee all the way,
Who lov­eth to the end.
And let the mor­row rest
In His be­lov­èd hand;
His good is bet­ter than our best,
As we shall un­der­stand.