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Scripture Verse

The Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him. Matthew 25:31


Cecil Alexander

Words: Ce­cil F. Al­ex­an­der, Hymns for Lit­tle Child­ren 1848.

Music: Up in Heav­en John Stain­er, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889 (🔊 ).

John Stainer (1840–1901)


Up in Heav­en, up in Heav­en,
In the bright place far away,
He whom bad men cru­ci­fied,
Sitteth at His Fa­ther’s side,
Til the judg­ment day.

And He loves His lit­tle child­ren,
And He plead­eth for them there,
Asking the great God of Heav’n
That their sins may be for­giv’n,
And He hears their pray­er.

Never more a help­less ba­by,
Born in po­ver­ty and pain,
But with aw­ful glo­ry crowned,
With His an­gels stand­ing round,
He shall come again.

Then the wick­ed souls shall trem­ble,
And the good souls shall re­joice;
Parents, child­ren, every one,
Then shall stand be­fore His throne,
And shall hear His voice.

And all faith­ful ho­ly Chris­tians,
Who their mas­ter’s work have done,
Shall ap­pear at His right hand
And in­her­it the fair land
That His love has won.