Scripture Verse

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. John 3:36


Words & Mu­sic: James Mc­Gran­ahan, Gos­pel Hymns No. 3 (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1878), num­ber 21 (🔊 pdf nwc).

James McGranahan (1840–1907)



About twen­ty years ago, writes the Rev. James Sprunt, of Lon­don, “Mrs. S— one ev­en­ing left her home, near Bland­ford Square, to vi­sit some of her friends. She was dis­ap­point­ed to find they were not at home.

“She called up­on oth­ers, but they al­so had gone out. Vexed in mind and wea­ry in bo­dy she was re­turn­ing to her home.

“Passing the doors of Ome­ga Hall, she was in­vit­ed to the ser­vice then being held in­side. She en­tered, and en­joyed the ser­vice, es­pe­cial­ly the sing­ing of ‘O what a Sav­iour, that He died for me!’

“This was good news to her soul. By the Spir­it of God she had been taught her lost con­di­tion. What was she to do?

“She had been told in the Hall to re­pent and be­lieve the Gospel, to ac­cept Christ as her Saviour, and to rest her soul on the fin­ished work of Cal­vary’s cross. She heard all this, but did not obey.

But when she re­tired that night her mind could not rest. Dur­ing her sleep she dreamed that she was in the meet­ing and had again joined in the hymn…and with the dreamy sing­ing she awoke to say, not in a dream and not in un­be­lief, but with true faith in God’s Son, from con­dem­na­tion He hath made me free.

Sankey, pp. 292–93


Oh, what a Sav­ior that He died for me!
From con­dem­na­tion He hath made me free;
He that be­liev­eth on the Son, said He,
Hath ev­er­last­ing life.


Verily, ve­ri­ly, I say un­to you;
Verily, ve­ri­ly,
mes­sage ev­er new!
He that be­liev­eth on the Son ’tis true!
Hath ev­er­last­ing life!

All my ini­qui­ties on Him were laid,
All my in­debt­ed­ness by Him was paid;
All who be­lieve on Him, the Lord hath said,
Hath ev­er­last­ing life.


Though poor and needy, I can trust my Lord;
Though weak and sin­ful I be­lieve His Word;
O glad mes­sage! Ev­ery child of God
Hath ev­er­last­ing life.


Though all un­wor­thy, yet I will not doubt;
For him that com­eth He will not cast out:
He that be­liev­eth, oh, the good news shout!
Hath ev­er­last­ing life.
