Scripture Verse

Death is swallowed up in victory. 1 Corinthians 15:54


Words & Mu­sic: An­na P. Hughes, 1909 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Anna P. Hughes (1878–1909)

The [ma­nu­script] of this song was sent to me [Hen­ry Gil­mour] by Mrs. Geo[rge] Hughes, mo­ther of the au­thor for pub­li­ca­tion, that it might be used. It was sung by An­na, Sep. 4th, 1909, in Thorn­ly Cha­pel, Ocean Grove, N. J., in the 6:30 Tem­ple Ser­vice. An­na was tes­ti­fy­ing that same day, when the Death An­gel touched her heart, and she was not, for God took her.


I’m walk­ing with Je­sus each day, yes I know;
He helps me to con­quer in this world be­low;
Abiding, con­fid­ing, I’ll trust to the end;
Jesus is vic­tor, on Him I’ll de­pend.


There’s vic­t’ry for me! yes, vic­t’ry for me,
Thro’ Je­sus my cap­tain there’s vic­to­ry;
No ill can be­tide, with Christ by my side,
For He’ll gain the vic­t’ry for me.

Tho’ fierce be the bat­tle, and long be the fray;
The Sav­ior has pro­mised to lead all the way;
So fol­low­ing close­ly, I’ll shout as I go!
Victory! vic­to­ry, o’er ev­ery foe.


And when to the end of life’s con­flict I’m near,
Death can­not af­fright me, no grave do I fear,
For Je­sus hath con­quered; once dead, now He lives!
Jesus my Sav­ior the vic­to­ry gives.
