Scripture Verse

This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4


James M. Gray (1851–1935)

Words: James M. Gray, 1907.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner. Re­frain ar­ranged by Fred Jack­ey (🔊 pdf nwc).

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


The bur­den of my fear and sin
On Christ by faith I roll;
And now I have His peace with­in
And vic­to­ry in my soul.


There’s vic­to­ry in my soul,
Victory in my soul;
I grasp the pro­mises by faith,
There’s vic­to­ry in my soul.

I know there is a test for me,
A bat­tle to be won;
But God en­sures the vic­to­ry
Before it is be­gun.


On bat­tle­fields of long ago,
When saints have drawn the sword,
Their strength did not o’er­come the foe,
But trust­ing in the Lord.


While lean­ing on His arm alone
I can­not know de­feat;
The glo­ry shall be all His own
When vic­to­ry is com­plete.


E’en death it­self I do not fear
Since Christ hath borne its sting;
His pre­sence through the val­ley drear
Will help us then to sing.
