Scripture Verse

A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son. Isaiah 7:14


Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)
National Portrait Gallery

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Words: Will­iam C. Dix, in The Mu­sic­al Times, vol­ume 31, num­ber 574 (Lon­don: De­cem­ber 1, 1890), page 32.

Music: Jo­seph Barn­by (🔊 pdf nwc).

William C. Dix (1837–1898)


The vir­gin is hush­ing her ba­by to rest,
With Lul­la­by, lul­la­by, beau­ti­ful Child!
She press­es her won­der­ful son to her breast,
Right glad then now is she!

The Babe she is nurs­ing is come down to save,
O Lul­la­by, lul­la­by, beau­ti­ful Child!
Poor sin­ners from dark­ness and pow­er of the grave;
Right glad then now is she!

See, Je­sus looks up in His mo­ther’s kind face,
O Lul­la­by, lul­la­by, beau­ti­ful Child!
He smiles on that mo­ther, the maid full of grace,
Right glad then now is she!