Scripture Verse

She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7


Words & Mu­sic: Tra­di­tion­al, in A Col­lect­ion of Dor­set Car­ols, by Will­iam Adair Pick­ard-Cam­bridge (Lon­don: A. W. Rid­ley, 1926), num­ber 18 (🔊 pdf nwc).


A vir­gin pure, both meek and mild
In Beth­le­hem brought forth her child,
In Beth­le­hem brought forth her child;
Our na­ture first on Him to take,
And then, as Christ, our peace to make,
Our na­ture first on Him to take,
And then, as Christ, our peace to make.

Consider what the spot­less Lamb
Did un­de­rgo for sin­ful man,
Did un­der­go for sin­ful man,
Nailed to the cross to pain and die,
While wick­ed spies stood gaz­ing by!
Nailed to the cross to pain and die,
While wick­ed spies stood gaz­ing by!

Who can ex­press the joy and love
That God sent down from Hea­ven above
That God sent down from Hea­ven above
From Sa­tan’s pow­er re­deem­ng all,
When we were lost by Ad­am’s fall?
From Sa­tan’s pow­er re­deem­ing all,
When we were lost by Ad­am’s fall?

Then let us praise the God of Hea­ven,
Who un­to us His Son hath giv’n,
Who un­to us His Son hath giv’n,
Hath sent Him down with us to dwell
Our Je­sus, our Em­ma­nu­el,
Hath sent Him down with us to dwell
Our Je­sus, our Em­ma­nu­el.

Virgin with Child
Francesco Bonsignori (1455–1519)