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WAITING (Habershon)

Scripture Verse

Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:7


Daniel Towner (1850–1919)

Words: Ada R. Ha­ber­shon, 1914.

Music: Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 ).

Ada R. Habershon


Waiting for the com­ing of our Lord from Heav’n,
Looking for the One who has our sins for­giv­en,
Resting on the pro­mise which His love hath giv­en,
Waiting for the com­ing of our Lord from Heav’n.


Content to wait till night has passed away,
Content to wait yet, long­ing for the day;
Content to wait with such full joy be­fore,
Content to wait, the bless­èd day is sure.

Listening for the voice that wakes the slum­ber­ing dead,
Every mem­ber called to join their ris­en head;
Knowing He is com­ing quick­ly as He said,
Waiting for the com­ing of our Lord from Heav’n.


Watching for the mo­ment when we see His face,
Summoned at His side to take our fa­vored place;
Robed in im­mor­tal­ity and changed by grace,
Waiting for the com­ing of our Lord from Heav’n.


Waiting thro’ the dark­ness on a stor­my sea,
Gazing o’er the wa­ters till His form I see;
Then to join the ha­ven where we fain would be,
Waiting for the com­ing of our Lord from Heav’n.


Looking not for signs and won­ders in the skies,
Needing not the noise of war to speak Him nigh,
Only watch­ing for the great as­sem­bling cry,
Waiting for the com­ing of our Lord from Heav’n.
