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Scripture Verse

Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee. Leviticus 25:10


Leonard Bacon

Words: Le­on­ard Ba­con, Hymns and Sac­red Songs for the Month­ly Con­cert [of Pra­yer for Mis­sions] (An­do­ver, Mas­sa­chu­setts, 1823).

Music: Am­boy Low­ell Ma­son, 1845 (🔊 ).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Wake the song of ju­bi­lee,
Let it ec­ho o’er the sea!
Now is come the pro­mised hour,
Jesus reigns with so­ver­eign pow­er.
All ye na­tions, join and sing,
Christ of lords and kings is King.
Let it sound from shore to shore
Jesus reigns for­ev­er­more.

Now the de­sert lands re­joice,
And the is­lands join their voice,
Yea, the whole cre­ation sings,
Jesus is the King of kings.
See the ran­somed mill­ions stand,
Palms of con­quest in their hands,
This be­fore the throne their strain,
Hell is van­quished, death is slain.

Blessing, hon­or, glo­ry, might
Are the con­quer­or’s na­tive right;
Thrones and pow­ers be­fore Him fall,
Lamb of God and Lord of all.
Time has near­ly reached its sum;
All things with the bride say, Come.
Jesus, whom all worlds ad­ore,
Come, and reign for­ev­ermore.