Scripture Verse

Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures? Luke 24:32


Words: Is­aac R. Em­bree, 1894.

Music: John R. Swe­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Em­bree (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John Sweney (1837–1899)


Walking with Je­sus, from morn­ing till night,
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, in gar­ments made white,
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, with hand clasped in hand,
Walking with Je­sus in Ca­naan’s bright land,


Walking with Je­sus, O blest be His name!
Walking with Je­sus my Lord.
Walking with Je­sus, walk­ing with Je­sus,
Walking with Je­sus, O blest be His name!
Walking with Je­sus my Lord.

Walking with Je­sus when dan­ger is nigh,
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, when billows run high;
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus in po­ver­ty’s vale,
Walking with Je­sus whose love will ne’er fail,


Walking with Je­sus, when friends prove un­true
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, what­ev­er they do;
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, in step by His side,
Walking with Je­sus what­ev­er be­tide,


Walking with Je­sus, by faith and not sight,
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, with songs of de­light;
Walking with Je­sus my Lord;
Walking with Je­sus, my staff and my stay,
Walking with Je­sus, the truth and the way,
