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Scripture Verse

When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Galatians 4:4–5


Neil Barham (1962–)

Words: Neil Bar­ham, 2010 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Mar­tyr­dom Hugh Wil­son, 1800. Ar­ranged by Ralph E. Hud­son, cir­ca 1885 (🔊 ).


Was it enough, that God should die
To take away my sin?
Enough to close the door of Hell,
And stop my fall­ing in?

Enough, that I be right­eous found,
Before His per­fect view?
Enough, that Christ’s own deeds be mine?
Despite all I could do?

Enough that all my soul and mind
Transformed with­in should be?
Enough, my sin should be sub­dued,
And God should live in me?

No! Not enough! More would He do!
How deep His mer­cy runs:
That I, a trea­son­ous wretch, should be
Adopted as His son!

To wear His name, to feel His kiss,
To lie in that em­brace,
What grand, mys­te­ri­ous gen­tle­ness
Shines in my Fa­ther’s face!