Scripture Verse

The bright and morning star. Revelation 22:16


Words: Tho­mas Wat­son, 1897.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wat­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


The dark­ness fades away, and the morn draws nigh,
When the sha­dows of the night will fall no more;
And an end­less day will cheer each wist­ful eye,
And the wea­ry watch of life is o’er.


I am watch­ing for the morn­ing
When the end­less morn will break,
When the bright­ness of His glo­ry we shall see,
When we’ll see the Lord re­turn­ing,
All His ran­somed home to take,
May He find among the faith­ful you and me.

My eyes may close in sleep ere the break of day,
But the Lord will wake me when He comes again;
When He comes to call me home to Him for aye,
In His glo­ry ev­er­more to reign.


The morn will soon be here with its joy and light,
And the glo­ry of the day will shine afar;
Then our watch­ing eyes will glad­den at the sight
When we rise and hail the Morn­ing Star.
