You…must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him.
Matthew 24:44
Words: BarÂney E. WarÂren, Echoes from Glory (AnÂderÂson, InÂdiÂana: GosÂpel TrumÂpet PubÂlishÂing, 1893), numÂber 112, alt.
Music: AnÂkeÂney BarÂney E. WarÂren, 1893 (🔊
Watch, for the SavÂior is comÂing;
Thus He has said beÂfore:
Soon we shall hear Him, not knowÂing,
Till He is at the door.
Jesus comes. Lo! He comes,
Oh, the awÂful moÂment!
Oh, preÂpare, for He comes,
Comes in fiÂnal judgÂment.
Will you be reaÂdy and waitÂing
For the great trumÂpet’s sound?
When the lost world be will be shakÂing,
Where will you then be found?
Coming in powÂer and great gloÂry,
Gath’ring us home to dwell!
Sinners are banÂished in miÂseÂry,
Down to a woeÂful hell.
Down to eterÂnal deÂstructÂion,
Oh, what an awÂful sight!
Sent to your last desÂtiÂnaÂtion,
Where it’s forÂevÂer night.
Sinners, obÂey and take warnÂing,
Will you now make the choice?
Happy you’ll be in that mornÂing,
If you will hear His voice.
Up in the porÂtals of gloÂry,
Gathered around the throne,
Singing salÂvaÂtion’s sweet stoÂry,
Safe in our joyÂful home.