God is my king of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.
Psalm 74:12
Words: Laura B. Hunter, circa 1922.
Music: Anthony J. Showalter (🔊
O ye waves of free salvation,
Onward sweep from day to day,
Till all trace of desolation
From our earth is washed away.
O ye waves, roll on, roll on!
With a mighty sweep, roll on!
Till the lost are gathered in,
Saved forevermore from sin.
O ye waves of free salvation,
Wondrous joy to mortals bring,
Giving souls a glad translation
To the palace of the King.
O ye waves of free salvation,
Still enrich this world of ours,
Till each high and lowly station
Shall be bright with sweetest flow’rs.
O ye waves of free salvation,
Tarry not for wind nor tide;
May each heart, in acceptation,
To your gladness open wide.