The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Neil Barham, 2005.
Music: Ein feste Burg Martin Luther, 1529 (🔊
© 2005 Neil Barham
These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
We bless the Triune God of Might,
Our Sovereign and our Savior,
Who puts our enemies to flight,
And guards us with His favor!
Our song goes up to Him,
Above the seraphim,
Where awestruck angels gaze
At Him, Ancient of Days,
On high He reigns, exalted.
Majestic Father, ever supreme,
Alone in light and glory,
At Your command the heavens gleam
And sing creation’s story.
The wind and waves obey
When Your Word bids them stay;
All nature shows Your face
Revealed in every place,
To every heart and mind of man.
Jesus, the Christ, Anointed One,
Firstborn of all creation,
In human flesh, yet God the Son,
The Captain of salvation!
My righteousness You are!
’Tis written in the scars
That beautify Your face,
Proclaiming holy grace.
In You all truth and love abide.
Great Spirit of the living Lord,
Our comforter and faithful guide—
You bring to us God’s out-breathed Word,
Suffusing it with increate light.
Convict us of our sin!
Renew our hearts within!
Restore salvation’s joy!
Our hearts and minds employ
In lives that flame with God-endued fire!
Robed in pure light that knew no dawn,
Three Persons, yet One Essence,
Avenging sin with righteous sword drawn,
Yet mercy fills Your presence!
Your wrath is great, and just;
But in Your grace we trust!
Your lovingkindness sure
Will hold our souls secure,
’Til we behold Your face at last!