Let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Brightest and Best, by Robert Lowry & W. Howard Doane (New York: Biglow & Main, 1875), number 131.
Music: Dili Hubert P. Main, 1875 (🔊
Coming, coming, we are coming
To Thy temple, gracious Lord,
To receive the blessèd teaching
Of Thy pure and perfect Word;
Meekly would we learn our duty,
Learn it kneeling at Thy feet,
While a radiance from Thy glory
Covers all the mercy-seat.
Singing, singing, we are singing
How Thy wondrous love, so free,
Floweth onward, ever onward,
Like a vast and mighty sea;
And our souls mount up with gladness
While we swell the lofty strain,
Glory, glory, hallelujah,
To the Lamb for sinners slain!
Praying, praying, we are praying
That Thy Spirit, like a dove,
May descend with gifts of mercy
From Thy gracious hand above;
Lord, we ask, that in Thy watch-care,
We may all protected be,
Every hand be quick to labor,
And our hearts be stayed on Thee.