Scripture Verse

There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. Job 3:17


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: R. P. Clark, in The Sab­bath School Pearl (New York: G. S. Scho­field, 1861), num­ber 8, alt.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry, in the Roy­al Dia­dem (New York: Big­low & Main, 1873), num­ber 20 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Clark’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Giffe,


There is rest for the wea­ry;
How cheer­ing the thought
To those who thro’ seed­time
And har­vest have wrought!
When our work is all done,
And our strug­gle is o’er,
There’s a home in the skies,
Where we’ll wea­ry no more.
Weary no more, wea­ry no more;
In that home in the skies,
We shall wea­ry no more.

There is rest from temp­ta­tion;
How bless­èd to know
That tho’, while we tra­vel
This de­sert below,
Sore ha­rassed and pur­sued,
All around and be­fore,
In that home in the skies,
We’ll be tempt­ed no more.
Tempted no more, tempt­ed no more,
In that home in the skies
We’ll be tempt­ed no more.

There is rest from our sor­rows,
Our tri­als all past;
Our crowns at the feet of
The Sav­ior we’ll cast;
Of the sheep­fold He says
That He is the Door;
If we en­ter by Him
We shall sor­row no more.
Sorrow no more, sor­row no more,
If we en­ter by Him
We shall sor­row no more.

What tho’ dan­gers af­fright us,
And trou­bles as­sail?
The Lord is our re­fuge,
And He will not fail;
If His grace now we seek,
And His fa­vor im­plore,
In that home in the skies
We shall wea­ry no more.
Weary no more, wea­ry no more,
In that home in the skies
We shall wea­ry no more.