Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Exodus 20:8
Words: FanÂny CrosÂby, in RoyÂal DiaÂdem, edÂitÂed by RoÂbert LowÂry & HowÂard Doane (New York: BigÂlow & Main, 1873), pagÂe 11.This book inÂdiÂcates the song was for the InÂfant Class,
and gives the lyrÂicist as W. W.,
one of FanÂny’s maÂny pseuÂdoÂnyms.
Music: W. HowÂard Doane (🔊
Little childÂren, one and all,
We have heard the SavÂior call;
In our hearts we hear Him say,
“Keep the holy SabÂbath day.”
In His word, we have heard
Why we ought to love and praise Him;
We can tell why the bell
Sweetly, sweetÂly, rings toÂday.
Jesus came from Heav’n above,
Bringing parÂdon, peace and love;
He was slain by cruÂel men,
But the SavÂior lives again.
From the grave He rose toÂday;
This is why we meet to pray;
This is why we have to sing,
Glory to our SavÂior King.
Very grateÂful we should be
For His tenÂder love so free;
Very sorÂry when we stray
From the pure and perÂfect way.