Scripture Verse

There was a marriage in Cana of Galilee. John 2:1


Words: Su­san Pe­ter­son, 1999 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Ash Grove, Welsh tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

Susan H. Peterson (1950–2004)


A wed­ding took place
In the vil­lage of Cana,
And Je­sus, His mother,
And fol­low­ers all came.
The wine was ex­haust­ed,
And Ma­ry in­formed Him,
They have no more wine
This would sure­ly bring shame.
Dear wo­man, He an­swered,
Why do you in­volve Me?
My time to be re­cog­nized
Has not yet come.

His mo­ther then said to
The ser­vants there wait­ing,
Whatever He tells you,
Now let it be done.

Six wa­ter jars stood there
For ri­tu­al wash­ing,
Each hold­ing then full
Twenty gall­ons or more.
He said to the ser­vants,
Now fill them with wa­ter.
They filled them brim­ful;
There was no room for more.
Then Je­sus in­struct­ed,
Take some to the mas­ter.
The wa­ter had turned
Into wine—none knew how.
On tast­ing, the mas­ter
Exclaimed in amaze­ment,
The choic­est and best wine
You’ve saved un­til now!

When Je­sus turned wa­ter
To wine there in Ca­na,
This was the first mi­ra­cle
He’d ev­er done.
His glo­ry He thus did
Reveal to the peo­ple,
And as a re­sult,
His dis­ci­ples were won.
Lord, may I be like them,
Believing You ful­ly.
And like the stone wa­ter jars,
May I e’er be,
Filled up to the brim with
Your trans­form­ing Spir­it.
Reveal now Your glo­ry
To oth­ers through me.

The Marriage at Cana
William Brassey Hole (1846–1917)