We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.
Acts 4:20
Words: Thomas Kelly, Hymns Not Before Published (Dublin: Thomas Johnston, 1815), number 40.
Music: St. Kevin Arthur S. Sullivan, 1872 (🔊
We have heard the joyful news,
Now let others hear it;
Bear the tidings to the Jews,
To the nations bear it.
They who know the joyful sound,
Never should conceal it;
But to all the world around,
Far and wide reveal it.
Joyful news the Gospel is,
And to thought confounding;
Wonder, O ye heav’ns, at this:
Sing of grace abounding;
Grace like this was never known,
God our nature wearing;
Making human guilt His own,
And our sorrows bearing.
Spread abroad the joyful sound,
Fly in all directions;
Speak to men the world around,
Men of all complexions;
All are sinners, needing grace,
God’s own Word has said it;
Go with speed to every place,
And unwearied spread it.
And may He whose grace it is,
Give the Word a blessing;
Make the conquered nations His,
Every ill redressing.
May He take the veil away,
All the earth o’erspreading;
And His mighty power display,
All our hopes exceeding.