We know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2 Corinthians 5:1
Words: Charles WesÂley, FuÂnerÂal Hymns, 1st SerÂies, 1744 (JuÂliÂan, p. 1262i), alt.
Music: HaÂverÂhill LowÂell MaÂson, SpirÂitÂual Songs for SoÂcial WorÂship (UtiÂca, New York: WillÂiam WillÂiams, 1833), page 372 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
We know, by faith we know,
If this vile house of clay,
This taÂberÂnaÂcle sink beÂlow,
In ruÂinÂous deÂcay;
We have a house above,
Not made with morÂtal hands,
And firm, as our ReÂdeemÂer’s love,
The heav’nly fabÂric stands.
It stands seÂcurely high,
Indissolubly sure;
Our gloÂriÂous manÂsion in the sky
Shall evÂerÂmore enÂdure;
O were we enÂtered there!
To perÂfect Heav’n reÂstored!
O were we all caught up to share
The triÂumph of our Lord!
For this in faith we call,
For this we weep and pray;
O might the taÂberÂnaÂcle fall;
O might we ’scape away!
Full of imÂmorÂtal hope,
We urge the restÂless strife,
And hastÂen to be swalÂlowed up,
In evÂerÂlastÂing life.
Absent, alÂas! from God,
We in the boÂdy mourn;
And pine to quit this mean abode,
And langÂuish to reÂturn;
Jesus, reÂgard our vows,
And change our faith to sight;
And clothe us with our nobÂler house,
Of emÂpyÂreÂan light!
O let us put on Thee!
In perÂfect hoÂliÂness!
And rise preÂpared Thy face to see
Thy bright unÂcloudÂed face;
Thy grace with gloÂry crown,
Who hast the earÂnest giv’n;
And now triÂumÂphantÂly come down
And take our souls to Heav’n!