Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Words: Benjamin Schmolck, 1712 (Willkommen, Held im Streite). Translated from German to English by Catherine Winkworth, Lyra Germanica (London & New York: George Newnes & Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1855), pages 69–70.
Music: Coronation Oliver Holden, Union Harmony or Universal Collection of Sacred Music (Boston, Massachusetts: 1793) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tune:
Welcome, Thou victor in the strife,
Now welcome from the cave!
Today we triumph in Thy life
Around Thy empty grave;
Today we triumph in Thy life
Around Thy empty grave.
Our enemy is put to shame,
His short-lived triumph o’er;
Our God is with us, we exclaim,
We fear our foe no more;
Our God is with us, we exclaim,
We fear our foe no more.
The dwellings of the just resound
With songs of victory;
For in their midst, Thou, Lord, art found,
And brightest peace with Thee.
For in their midst, Thou, Lord, art found,
And brightest peace with Thee.
O share with us the spoils, we pray,
Thou diedst to achieve;
We meet within Thy house today
Our portion to receive;
We meet within Thy house today
Our portion to receive.
O let Thy conquering banner wave
O’er hearts Thou makest free;
And point the path that from the grave
Leads heav’nward up to Thee;
And point the path that from the grave
Leads heav’nward up to Thee.
We bury all our sin and crime
Deep in our Savior’s tomb,
And seek the treasure there, that time
Nor change can e’er consume;
And seek the treasure there, that time
Nor change can e’er consume.
We die with Thee: O let us live
Henceforth to Thee aright;
The blessings Thou hast died to give
Be daily in our sight;
The blessings Thou hast died to give
Be daily in our sight.
Fearless we lay us in the tomb,
And sleep the night away,
If Thou art there to break the gloom,
And call us back to day;
If Thou art there to break the gloom,
And call us back to day.
Death hurts us not; his power is gone,
And pointless all his darts;
Now hath God’s favor on us shone,
And joy fills all our hearts.
Now hath God’s favor on us shone,
And joy fills all our hearts.