Scripture Verse

Victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57


Benjamin Schmolck

Words: Ben­ja­min Schmolck, 1712 (Will­kom­men, Held im Streite). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Ca­the­rine Wink­worth, Ly­ra Ger­ma­ni­ca (Lon­don & New York: George Newnes & Charles Scrib­ner’s Sons, 1855), pag­es 69–70.

Music: Co­ro­na­tion Ol­iv­er Hol­den, Un­ion Har­mo­ny or Uni­vers­al Col­lect­ion of Sac­red Mu­sic (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: 1793) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Oliver Holden (1765–1844)


Welcome, Thou vic­tor in the strife,
Now wel­come from the cave!
Today we tri­umph in Thy life
Around Thy emp­ty grave;
Today we tri­umph in Thy life
Around Thy emp­ty grave.

Our ene­my is put to shame,
His short-lived tri­umph o’er;
Our God is with us, we ex­claim,
We fear our foe no more;
Our God is with us, we ex­claim,
We fear our foe no more.

The dwell­ings of the just re­sound
With songs of vic­to­ry;
For in their midst, Thou, Lord, art found,
And bright­est peace with Thee.
For in their midst, Thou, Lord, art found,
And bright­est peace with Thee.

O share with us the spoils, we pray,
Thou diedst to achieve;
We meet with­in Thy house to­day
Our por­tion to re­ceive;
We meet with­in Thy house to­day
Our por­tion to re­ceive.

O let Thy con­quer­ing ban­ner wave
O’er hearts Thou mak­est free;
And point the path that from the grave
Leads heav’n­ward up to Thee;
And point the path that from the grave
Leads heav’n­ward up to Thee.

We bu­ry all our sin and crime
Deep in our Sav­ior’s tomb,
And seek the trea­sure there, that time
Nor change can e’er con­sume;
And seek the trea­sure there, that time
Nor change can e’er con­sume.

We die with Thee: O let us live
Henceforth to Thee aright;
The bless­ings Thou hast died to give
Be dai­ly in our sight;
The bless­ings Thou hast died to give
Be dai­ly in our sight.

Fearless we lay us in the tomb,
And sleep the night away,
If Thou art there to break the gloom,
And call us back to day;
If Thou art there to break the gloom,
And call us back to day.

Death hurts us not; his pow­er is gone,
And point­less all his darts;
Now hath God’s fa­vor on us shone,
And joy fills all our hearts.
Now hath God’s fa­vor on us shone,
And joy fills all our hearts.