Scripture Verse

The truth of God. Romans 15:8


Words: George Raw­son, in the Leeds Hymn Book, 1835.

Music: Old 22nd Ang­lo-Ge­ne­van Psal­ter, 1556 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George Rawson (1807–1889)


He charged us be­fore God, and His bless­ed an­gels, if God should re­veal any­thing to us by any oth­er in­stru­ment of His, to be as rea­dy to re­ceive it as any truth by his min­is­try; for he was ve­ry con­fi­dent the Lord had more light and truth yet to break forth out of His ho­ly word.

Narrative of Pas­tor Ro­bin­son’s Ad­dress to the Pil­grim Fa­thers [1620]


We li­mit not the truth of God
To our poor reach of mind,
By no­tions of our day and sect,
Crude, par­tial, and con­fined.
No, let a new and bet­ter hope
Within our hearts be stirred:


The Lord hath yet more light and truth
To break forth from His Word.

Darkling our great fore­fa­thers went
The first steps of the way;
’Twas but the dawn­ing yet to grow
Into the per­fect day.
And grow it shall, our glo­ri­ous sun
More fer­vid rays af­ford:


The val­leys passed, as­cend­ing still,
Our souls would high­er climb,
And look down from su­per­nal heights
On all the by­gone time.
Upward we press, the air is clear,
And the sphere-mu­sic heard:


O Fa­ther, Son, and Spir­it, send
Us in­crease from above;
Enlarge, ex­pand all Chris­tian souls
To com­pre­hend Thy love,
And make us to go on, to know
With nob­ler pow­ers con­ferred:
