With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation.
Isaiah 12:3
Words & MuÂsic: DaÂvid E. Dortch, GosÂpel MeÂloÂdies (NashÂville, TenÂnesÂsee: CumÂberÂland PresÂbyÂterÂian PubÂlishÂing, 1890), alt. (🔊
There’s a fountÂain free flowÂing ’neath life’s tree;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by;
There the happy soul never shall grow old;
We shall rest at the fountain by and by.
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by;
There we all shall stand with the anÂgel band,
We shall rest at the founÂtain by and by.
There’s a fountÂain bright in that land of light;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by;
On its banks grow flow’rs amÂid HeavÂen’s bow’rs;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by.
There’s a fountÂain sweet where we all shall meet;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by;
Songs of joy we’ll raise to our SavÂior’s praise;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by.
There’s a fountÂain free, sinÂner, ’tis for thee;
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by;
Will you meet me there and its blessÂings share?
We shall rest at the fountÂain by and by.