Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:3


Calvin Laufer (1874–1938)

Words: Cal­vin W. Lau­fer, 1919.

Music: Field, Cal­vin W. Lau­fer, 1919 (🔊 pdf nwc).


We thank Thee, Lord, Thy paths of ser­vice lead
To bla­zoned heights and down the slopes of need;
They reach Thy throne, en­com­pass land and sea,
And he who jour­neys in them walks with Thee.

We’ve sought and found Thee in the sec­ret place
And mar­veled at the ra­di­ance of Thy face;
But oft­en in some far off Ga­li­lee
Beheld Thee fair­er yet while serv­ing Thee.

We’ve felt Thy touch in sor­row’s dark­ened way
Abound with love and sol­ace for the day;
And, ’neath the bur­dens there, Thy so­ver­eign­ty,
Has held our hearts en­thralled while serv­ing Thee.

We’ve seen Thy glo­ry like a man­tle spread
O’er hill and dale in saf­fron flame and red;
But in the eyes of men, re­deemed and free,
A splen­dor great­er yet while serv­ing Thee.

Show us the paths in which Thou would­est lead
To bla­zoned heights or down the slopes of need;
For both alike en­com­pass land and sea,
And he who jour­neys in them walks with Thee.

Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet
Ford Madox Brown (1821–1893)