Scripture Verse

Christ…died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Romans 14:9


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in the New Ser­vice and Tune Book, ed­it­ed by Al­fred B. Good­rich (Utica, New York, 1862).

Music: Fer­di­nand Cle­ment A. Marks, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Marks (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We will ca­rol joy­ful­ly
On this holy fes­tal day;
To our ris­en Lord and king
Grateful hom­age we will bring.


Carol, ca­rol, ca­rol, ca­rol,
To our ris­en Lord and king.

We will ca­rol joy­ful­ly,
As with sweet accord we bring
Praise from ev­ery heart and voice
To our ris­en Lord and king.


We will ca­rol joy­ful­ly,
While our love and thanks we give
To our ris­en Lord and king,
Him who died that we might live.


We will ca­rol joy­ful­ly,
And to Him our of­fer­ings bring—
Grateful hearts, with love and praise,
To our ris­en Lord and king.
