I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
Romans 1:16
Words: Maud Fraser, in Gospel Hymns No. 6, by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (New York & Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main and John Church, 1891), number 39.
Music: James McGranahan (🔊
It is finished; what a Gospel!
Nothing has been left to do,
But to take with grateful gladness
What the Savior did for you.
It is finished, hallelujah!
It is finished, hallelujah!
Christ the work has fully done,
All who will may have their pardon
Through the blood of God’s own Son.
It is finished; what a Gospel!
Bringing news of victory won,
Telling us of peace and pardon
Thro’ the blood of God’s dear Son.
It is finished; what a Gospel!
Here each weary laden breast
That accepts God’s gracious offer,
Enters into perfect rest.
It is finished; what a Gospel!
Jesus died to save your soul;
Have you taken His salvation?
Have you let Him make you whole?