He has granted unto us His precious and exceeding great promises; that through these you may become partakers of the divine nature.
2 Peter 1:4
Words: Otto Bolds, 1904.
Music: Barney E. Warren, Truth in Song (Anderson, Indiana: Gospel Trumpet Publishing, 1907), number 208 (🔊
In the arms of my dear Savior
I am resting every day,
And His smiles like sunbeams
Fall upon my face;
I am standing on His promise,
Where I shall forever stay,
And my heart is overflowing
With His grace.
I am filled with grace and glory,
And in Jesus I abide;
I will tell the wondrous story,
Since my soul is satisfied.
Once I roamed in sinful darkness,
Over mountain, hill and plain,
Seeking everywhere
For rest and finding none;
Yes, my search for satisfaction
While in sin was all in vain,
But I’ve found it in God’s
Well belovèd Son.
Long in sin I sought for pleasure,
Something that would satisfy,
Something that would quench
The thirsting of my soul;
But I found that sin’s dominion,
Naught I needed could supply,
Then I turned to Jesus,
And He made me whole.
I am dwelling in that kingdom,
Where the day is always bright,
And the sparkling waters
Of life’s river gleam,
Where the gloomy shades of darkness
Are dispelled by Heaven’s light;
And I’m ever drinking
Of that living stream.