Scripture Verse

The Son of Man came…to give His life a ransom for many. Mark 10:45


Words: Ra­chel Ri­vers, in Fa­mous Hymns, by Ed­win O. Ex­cell & Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bi­ble In­sti­tute Col­port­age As­so­cia­tion, 1907), num­ber 43.

Music: John R. Swe­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ri­vers (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

John R. Sweney (1837–1899)


O lost ones, in dan­ger no long­er re­main!
The Sav­ior is call­ing again and again;
Remember the ang­uish He suf­fered for you;
His life paid your ran­som—what more can He do?


What more can He do, what more can He do—
His hands and His feet to the cross nailed for you?
What more can He do, what more can He do—
His life paid your ran­som—what more can He do?

He calls thro’ the Gos­pel, re­pent and be­lieve;
He calls and en­treats you His grace to re­ceive;
He of­fers full par­don, and on­ly de­mands
Your lov­ing sub­miss­ion to all He com­mands.


He calls thro’ His mer­cy, and still you de­lay;
He calls by His Spir­it, you grieve Him away;
Ah, soon your pro­ba­tion per­haps may be o’er,
And then your Re­deem­er will call you no more!


O haste, He is wait­ing, you can­not re­fuse
The way of sal­va­tion with glad­ness to choose!
His blood of atone­ment is flow­ing for you,
He of­fers it free­ly—what more can He do?
