Scripture Verse

I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me. Proverbs 8:17


Catherine Booth-Clibborn (1858–1955)

Words: Ca­the­rine Booth-Clib­born, 1918.

Music: Ar­ranged by Vic­to­ria B. De­ma­rest (🔊 pdf nwc).

Victoria B. Demarest (1889–1982)


What my soul seeks, O Re­deem­er,
’Tis thy won­drous gift of love:
Let this Heav’n born flame for­ev­er
Burn with­in me from above;
Love di­vine, love deep and ten­der,
Love that seek­eth not her own,
Good for ev­il e’er can ren­der,
Loving the most hard­ened one.


Love that ne­ver fail­eth,
Love that sac­ri­fic­eth,
Love that all en­dur­eth,
I claim that love from Thee.

Self re­nounc­ing, self for­get­ting,
Envy is to it un­known;
Dearest in­ter­ests sac­ri­fic­ing,
Claiming no­thing for its own;
Hearts of stone, hard, cold and haugh­ty,
Hearts which no­thing else can move,
Melt and change be­neath the migh­ty
Overwhelming force of love.


Love knows naught of proud am­bi­tion;
It is meek and suf­fer­eth long;
Not in words alone, but act­ion,
It is pa­tient, kind and strong;
Interceding and pre­vail­ing,
Hoping all things to the end;
Grieved, des­pised, yet ne­ver fail­ing,
Nothing can this love of­fend.


Face to face with sin and sor­row,
Spreading, deep­en­ing, day by day;
In the Sav­ior’s steps to fol­low—
Can alone such woes al­lay;
Slighted, wound­ed and re­ject­ed,
Death can ne­ver quench its flame;
O my soul, be not de­ject­ed;
Love di­vine is e’er the same.
