I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me.
Proverbs 8:17
Words: Catherine Booth-Clibborn, 1918.
Music: Arranged by Victoria B. Demarest (🔊
What my soul seeks, O Redeemer,
’Tis thy wondrous gift of love:
Let this Heav’n born flame forever
Burn within me from above;
Love divine, love deep and tender,
Love that seeketh not her own,
Good for evil e’er can render,
Loving the most hardened one.
Love that never faileth,
Love that sacrificeth,
Love that all endureth,
I claim that love from Thee.
Self renouncing, self forgetting,
Envy is to it unknown;
Dearest interests sacrificing,
Claiming nothing for its own;
Hearts of stone, hard, cold and haughty,
Hearts which nothing else can move,
Melt and change beneath the mighty
Overwhelming force of love.
Love knows naught of proud ambition;
It is meek and suffereth long;
Not in words alone, but action,
It is patient, kind and strong;
Interceding and prevailing,
Hoping all things to the end;
Grieved, despised, yet never failing,
Nothing can this love offend.
Face to face with sin and sorrow,
Spreading, deepening, day by day;
In the Savior’s steps to follow—
Can alone such woes allay;
Slighted, wounded and rejected,
Death can never quench its flame;
O my soul, be not dejected;
Love divine is e’er the same.