The glad news of the kingdom of God.
Luke 8:1
Words: Anonymous (🔊
). This song was reportedly sung during the Ulster Revival of 1859.
Music: News, old tune (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
Whene’er we meet, you always say,
What’s the news? what’s the news?
Pray what’s the order of the day?
What’s the news? what’s the news?
O! I have got good news to tell!
My Savior hath done all things well,
And triumphed over death and hell—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
The Lamb was slain on Calvary!
That’s the news! that’s the news!
To set a world of sinners free,
That’s the news! that’s the news!
’Twas there His precious blood was shed,
’Twas there He bowed His sacred head,
But now He’s risen from the dead,
That’s the news! that’s the news!
His work’s reviving all around,
That’s the news! that’s the news!
And many have redemption found—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
And since their souls have caught the flame,
They shout hosanna to His name,
And all around they spread His fame—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
The Lord has pardoned all my sin—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
I feel the witness now within—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
And since He took my sins away,
And taught me how to watch and pray,
I’m happy now from day to day—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
And Christ the Lord can save you now—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
Your sinful heart He can renew—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
This moment, if for sins you grieve,
This moment, if you do believe,
A full acquittal you’ll receive—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
And now if any one should say,
What’s the news! what’s the news?
O tell them you’ve begun to pray—
That’s the news! that’s the news!
That you have joined the conquering band,
And now, with joy, at God’s command,
You’re marching to the better land—
That’s the news! that’s the news!