Scripture Verse

He…that had received two talents came and said, Lord, You gave me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. His Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your Lord. Matthew 25:22–23


Words: Syl­via Lee, 1918. Ap­peared in Songs of Love (Ath­ens, Georg­ia: Ath­ens Mu­sic, 1925), num­ber 125.

Music: Si­nŭ­iju J. Hous­ton Smith (🔊 pdf nwc).


What are you do­ing for Je­sus,
Since He re­deemed you from sin?
Gladly ful­fill­ing your pro­mise,
Souls for the king­dom to win?


What are you doing for Je­sus?
Thoughtfully pon­der it o’er;
Could you with joy at His com­ing
To Him each tal­ent re­store?

What are you do­ing for Je­sus?
Letting your light shine for Him shine?
Seeking to hon­or the Fa­ther?
Heeding each pre­cept di­vine?


What are you do­ing for Je­sus?
Idling the mo­ments away?
Yielding to ev­ery temp­ta­tion?
Even for­get­ting to pray?


What are you do­ing for Je­sus?
Now ev­ery pro­mise renew,
And till He calls you to Hea­ven,
Ever be loy­al and true.
