Who are these, clothed in white robes, and whence have they come?
Revelation 7:13
Words: Neil Barham, 2005.
Music: Restoration, from The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, by William Walker (New York: Hastings House, 1835) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tunes:
© 2005 Neil Barham
These lyrics may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship, provided they are not altered, and this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
What this host? This mighty army,
Conquering every prince of men?
Led by what high king, what champion?
Who, once dead, now lives again?
This, the Church, the Bride of Jesus,
Armor-clad by God’s own hand:
Shield of Faith and Sword of Spirit—
Shod by Gospel, firm to stand!
With the awesome Truth of Heaven,
Christ has girded her around,
So arrayed for every battle,
She shall pull all empires down.
Gleaming in the morning sunlight
See salvation’s helmet shine!
Trusting to that sure protection,
On she fights, renewed in mind.
O’er that heart once bound to evil,
Lies the mail of righteousness,
No satanic accusation
Can defeat such glorious dress!
Terrible in strength and valor,
Jesus leads His host to war,
His the vict’ry, His the conquest!
He has broken down Hell’s door!