When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory: And before Him shall be gathered all nations: and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And He shall set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.
Matthew 25:31–33
Words: James S. Wells, in His Voice of Love, edited by James D. Vaughan (Lawrenceburg, Tennessee: James D. Vaughan, 1924), number 84.
Music: Vernon M. Nipper (🔊
). Due to the complexity of the music, this song is probably best suited for a choir, rather than congregational singing.
On some glad and glorious morning
We shall hear the solemn warning,
Hear a trumpet ringing loudly in the skies;
Angel bands with torches flaming,
Will the judgment be proclaiming,
On that last great day
When all the dead shall rise.
On that judgment day,
On that last great day,
When the trumpet sounds,
And all the dead shall rise;
Will you hear the dreadful sentence,
Oh, depart, I know you not,
Or Dwell forevermore in paradise
Oh, what weeping and what wailing,
Of the wicked ones now failing
At the judgment bar to enter paradise;
Oh, what shouting and rejoicing,
Of redeemed ones, praises voicing,
In that last great day
When all the dead shall rise.
Be ye ready for that morning,
When ye hear that clarion warning,
When the Son of Man appeareth in the skies;
Lest in darkness everlasting,
You the Lord shall then be casting,
On that last great day
When all the dead shall rise.