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Scripture Verse

He brought me up…out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. Psalm 40:2


Wenzel Müller (1767–1835)

Words: Sa­la­thi­el C. Kirk, Mus­ings Along the Way (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: A. H. Sick­ler, 1900), page 87, alt.

Music: Ab­schied Wen­zel Müll­er, 1828 (🔊 ).

Salathiel C. Kirk


When far astray in sin, one day
The lov­ing Sav­ior passed my way;
As help­less, sick, and sore I lay
Deep in the pit and mi­ry clay.

He stooped and touched me in my shame;
I felt His touch, I breathed His name;
A thrill di­vine went through my soul—
I felt that touch had made me whole.

For you I drank the bit­ter cup,
Thus Je­sus said, and raised me up;
He raised me up, O praise the Lamb,
From what I was to what I am!

I know the depths from whence I came;
Thou know­est, too, how weak my frame;
Keep Thou my hand with­in Thine own,
For, O, I dare not walk alone!

Close by the side of such a friend,
Whose love could such a depth des­cend,
I shall not wan­der from the fold,
For pow­er to save is grace to hold.