Scripture Verse

If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 1 Peter 4:18


Samuel F. Smith (1808–1895)

Words: Sam­uel F. Smith, in the Ma­nu­al of Chris­tian Psal­mo­dy, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus Bab­cock, Da­vid Greene & Lo­well Ma­son (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Per­kins & Mar­vin, 1832), num­ber 31.

Music: Pley­el’s Hymn Ig­naz J. Pley­el, 1791 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ignaz J. Pleyel (1757–1831)


When thy mor­tal life is fled,
When—the death shades o’er thee spread—
Thou has fin­ished earth’s ca­reer,
Sinner, where wilt thou ap­pear?

When the world has passed away,
When draws near the judg­ment day,
When the aw­ful trump shall sound,
Say, oh where wilt thou be found?

When the Judge des­cends in light,
Clothed in ma­jes­ty and might;
When the wick­ed quail with fear,
Where, oh where wilt thou ap­pear?

What shall soothe thy burst­ing heart,
When the saints and thou must part?
When the good with joy are crowned,
Sinner, where wilt thou be found?

While the Ho­ly Ghost is nigh,
Quickly to the Sav­ior fly;
Then shall peace thy spir­it cheer,
Then in Heav’n shalt thou ap­pear.