Scripture Verse

Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1


Henry H. Milman (1791–1868)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Henry H. Mil­man, 1827.

Music: St. Pris­ca Ri­chard Red­head, 1853 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Richard Redhead (1820–1901)


When our heads are bowed with woe,
When our bit­ter tears o’er­flow,
When we mourn the lost, the dear,
Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, hear!

Thou our throb­bing flesh hast worn,
Thou our mor­tal griefs hast borne,
Thou hast shed the hu­man tear,
Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, hear!

When the so­lemn death bell tolls,
For our own de­part­ing souls,
When our fi­nal doom is near,
Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, hear!

Thou hast bowed the dy­ing head,
With the thought of all its sin,
When the spir­it shrinks with fear,
Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, hear!

When the heart is sad with­in
With the thought of all its sin,
When the spir­it shrinks with fear,
Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, hear.

Thou the shame, the grief, hast known,
Though the sins were not Thine own;
Thou hast deigned their load to bear;
Jesus, Son of Ma­ry, hear!