Scripture Verse

Go, and the Lord be with thee. 1 Samuel 17:37


Alaric A. Watts (1797–1864)

Words: Ala­ric A. Watts, Po­et­ic­al Sketch­es (Lon­don: Hurst, Ro­bin­son, 1823), pag­es 123–25, alt. The po­em’s orig­in­al words dealt with the part­ing of two lov­ers. Lat­er hym­nals adapt­ed it to a re­li­gious theme.

Music: St. Dun­stan’s Charles W. Doug­las, 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles W. Douglas


When shall we meet again?
Meet ne’er to sev­er?
When will peace wreathe her chain
Round us for ev­er?
When will our hearts re­pose
Safe from each blast that blows
In this dark vale of woes?
Never—no, nev­er!

When shall love free­ly flow
Pure as life’s riv­er?
When shall sweet friend­ship glow,
Changeless for­ev­er?
Where joys ce­les­ti­al thrill,
Where bliss each heart shall fill,
And fears of part­ing chill,
Never—no, nev­er!

Up to that world of light,
Take us, dear Sav­ior;
May we all there unite,
Happy for ev­er;
Where kin­dred spir­its dwell,
There may our mu­sic swell,
And time our joys dis­pel,
Never—no, nev­er!

Soon shall we meet again,
Meet ne’er to sev­er;
Soon will peace wreathe her chain
Round us for­ev­er;
Our hearts will then re­pose
Secure from world­ly woes;
Our songs of praise shall close
Never—no, nev­er!