He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows.
Isaiah 53:4
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1899.
Music: W. Howard Doane (🔊
On a desert wild and lonely,
Where no hope I dared to claim,
I was troubled, sad and lonely,
When the Burden Bearer came.
Christ the Burden Bearer came,
Hallelujah to His name!
All my sins He rolled away,
Now rejoicing every day,
I am trusting in the Savior’s precious love.
On a desert wild and lonely,
How He gently said to me,
I have purchased thy salvation,
I have borne the cross for thee.
Praise to Him whose grace redeemed me,
From the death that never dies;
I shall tell the blessèd story,
When I meet Him in the skies.