The Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Words: James Montgomery, The Christian Psalmist (Glasgow, Scotland: Chalmers & Collins, 1825), page 389.
Music: Lancashire Henry T. Smart, 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a better photo of Smart,
When war on earth suspended
His wild career of woes,
The Prince of Peace descended,
A guiltier strife to close;
Vain battles worms were waging—
With their creator, God;
He came, and wrath assuaging,
Made peace with his own blood.
The storm that flamed and lowered
Was calm at His command;
The rod of justice flowered,
Like Aaron’s, in His hand:
That scepter, love revealing,
Rebels, approach and kiss;
Its leaves are for your healing,
Its fruits—immortal bliss.