Learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
Matthew 11:29
Words: Ina D. Ogdon, in Gospel Song Series No. 1 (Chicago, Illinois: Rodeheaver, 1914).
Music: Bentley D. Ackley (🔊
When you my Jesus understand,
When you accept His loving hand,
A happy morn will dawn for you,
When you know Jesus, too.
When you know Him, when you know Him,
You’ll love Him just as others do;
A happy morn will dawn for you
When you know my Jesus, too.
His joy will gladden every day,
His blessing shine along the way,
And you will share His promise true,
When you know Jesus, too.
You’ll see His mercy thro’ your tears,
His peace will hallow all the years;
The valley holds no dread for you,
When you know Jesus, too.
You’ll know His way is always best,
And gladly leave to Him the rest,
And tell what He has done for you,
When you know Jesus, too.