Scripture Verse

The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:2


Edgar C. Mason (1864–1935)

Words: Ed­gar C. Ma­son, in The New Cen­tu­ry Hym­nal, ed­it­ed by Will Thomp­son (East Li­ver­pool, Ohio: Will L. Thomp­son, 1904), num­ber 95.

Music: Will L. Thomp­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

Will L. Thompson (1847–1909)


Spirit of life and light,
Shine thro’ this wea­ry night,
My path il­lume;
Show me the way to go,
Make me Thy will to know;
Dispel the gloom,
Dispel the gloom.

Comfort this heart, so worn,
So crushed by bur­dens borne,
Cast down so low;
Let Thy sweet peace con­sole,
This weary, anx­ious soul,
Tossed to and fro,
Tossed to and fro.

Let ho­ly hopes arise
Plainly be­fore my eyes,
Hopes fixed on high;
Hopes that shall ne­ver fail;
Anchored with­in the veil,
Beyond the sky,
Beyond the sky.

Thus may I lift­ed be,
Out of my low de­gree,
On ho­ly wings;
Kept ev­er in the way,
Aspiring day by day,
To high­er things,
To high­er things.