Scripture Verse

Shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:8


Shepherds Abiding in the Fields
Carl H. Bloch (1834–1890)

Words: Paul B. Henk­el, Church Hymn Book (New Mar­ket, Vir­gin­ia: So­lo­mon Hen­kel, 1816), num­ber 17, alt. Note: The 1816 edi­tion of this hym­nal does not name the au­thor. Paul Hen­kel’s son, Am­brose Hen­kel, iden­ti­fies his fa­ther as the au­thor by a dou­ble dag­ger sym­bol (‡) in the 1838 edi­tion, page 43.

Music: De­Pauw Ro­bert G. Mc­Cutch­an, 1930 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Robert G. McCutchan (1877–1958)


While shep­herds kept their flocks by night,
An an­gel clothed with pow­er and light,
Did to the shep­herds there ap­pear,
Which filled their minds with dread and fear.

But to their com­fort thus he said,
“Dear shep­herds, be ye not afraid:
I have a mes­sage un­to you,
Exceeding joy­ful, great and true.

“This day is born in Da­vid’s town,
The migh­ty prince of great re­nown;
The Lord and Sav­ior of man­kind;
In Beth­le­hem ye shall Him find.

There He is in a man­ger laid,
And there to hu­man view dis­played;
He, who hath all at His com­mands,
Is there a babe in swath­ing bands.

Then did an­gel­ic host ap­pear,
And sheph­erds songs of praise did hear:
All glo­ry be to God on high!
Who brings to us sal­va­tion nigh.

O hap­py news sent down from Heav’n!
Since peace to man on earth is giv’n;
Good will from God to man shall be,
And bless­ings to eter­ni­ty.