Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 1:20
Words: R. Michael Cullinan, 1996.
Music: Cranham Gustav T. Holst, 1906 (🔊
WHILE THE WORLD AWAITED © 1996 Robert Cullinan
The copyright holder grants permission to reproduce these
words, as long as this notice remains with copy.
While the world awaited God’s redeeming love—
Came to Joseph, dreaming, Gabriel from above:
God would have you take this virgin as your wife,
For the Child within her is the Lord of Life!
Lo! the weary family travels on its way
To the Holy City for the night to stay.
Called for an accounting unto Bethlehem—
There would the Messiah bloom from Jesse’s stem.
Since there was no place for them to settle down—
They, with beasts of burden, rested on the ground.
And in David’s city early that next morn,
Clothed in human vesture, Word of God was born.
Jesus Christ, our Savior—born upon this day:
Ox and ass surround Your bed of golden hay.
In the humble stable, manger for Your rest—
Sleep now, infant Jesus, as the world is blest!