Scripture Verse

It is the Spirit that beareth witness. 1 John 5:6


Words: From The Ev­an­ge­li­cal Ma­ga­zine, 1821. The orig­in­al ar­ti­cle was signed Eri­phus.

Music: Co­ro­nae Will­iam H. Monk, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


Who but Thou, al­migh­ty Spir­it,
Can the hea­then world re­claim?
Men may preach, but till Thou fa­vor,
Heathens will be still the same:
Mighty Spir­it,
Witness to the Sav­ior’s name.

Thou hast pro­mised by the pro­phets,
Glorious light in lat­ter days;
Come and bless be­wil­dered na­tions,
Change our pray­ers and tears to praise:
Promised Spir­it,
Round the world dif­fuse Thy rays.

All our hopes, and pray­ers, and la­bors,
Must be vain with­out Thine aid:
But Thou will not dis­ap­point us;
All is true that Thou hast said:
Gracious Spir­it,
O’er the world Thine in­flu­ence spread.